Thursday, 16 February 2012

ESP research - Ganzfeld studies

We introduced the Ganzfeld technique for studying ESP (extra-sensory perception - perceiving another person's thoughts without the use any scientifically understood sense, or 'remote viewing') at the end of term, trying out some free-association Ganzfeld.

Here is a not-very-serious video illustrating what the procedure involves.

Read about Ganzfeld-induced hallucinations here.

The Wikipedia article on Ganzfeld is very helpful.

You need notes on two studies by our next lesson on Thursday 23rd February - Sargent and Soal-Goldney (the former is in the Ganzfeld/PK section of your textbook, the latter is in the section before on Scientific Fraud.

A homework essay is due by the end of next week - for submission through Edmodo if you can manage that.

"To what extent has the issue of scientific fraud damaged the credibility of research into ESP and psychokinesis?" 9 + 16 marks.

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