The presentation from today's lesson is here.
This is the nurture side of the nature/nurture gender debate. Behaviourism assumes that humans (and other animals) are 'blank slates' with nothing inherited or innate except for some very simple reflexes (automatic responses to stimuli). Everything else is learned according to this approach. Extreme behaviourism is highly reductionist, denying the importance of mental processes and explaining all behaviour through classical and operant conditioning. Social Learning Theory (sometimes called Social Cognitive Learning Theory) uses the same ideas of association and reinforcement, but is less reductionist as it includes 'mental' or cognitive learning, for example Modelling.
For Monday's lesson, watch this video compilation of adverts, and if you can some current adverts on TV. Make a list of behaviours and psychological characteristics which are presented as desirable or 'normal' in men and women and bring to the lesson.
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